Thursday, December 20, 2012

What Has Happened To Free Will?

On a recent article, a poster insisted to me that he could MAKE me hit him. We were talking about the Muslims attacking the Embassy because of the movie "Innocence of Mohammad". I had said that those who chose to react in a violent manner needed to own their actions. He claimed that the film maker was at fault and that the film maker MADE them react that way. My question is this: Do people no longer have free will, and if not, why? Have we become so conditioned by our government that we truly believe we are not responsible for our actions, or is it just a cop out?
My opinion is that no one can make you act in a manner in which you did not intend to act. Put your big boy/girl panties on and quit blaming your behavior on others. And please, if you really think someone can make you do something, dont breed and pass that stupid gene on to others. We have enough idiots running around as it is.

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